Hearst is a media company with more than 360 businesses.
Its major interests include magazines, TV networks, newspapers and more.
Making fast websites in 2019 isn’t difficult.
You just have to be buddies with browser makers,
get paid to make websites faster, hang out on Twitter all day
for all the hot performance tips, and prefer hacking on
performance tweaks to watching Netflix.
const touchDevice = 'ontouchstart' in window;
const addListener = (target, type, listener) => {
// switch click to touchstart on touch devices
if (type === 'click' && touchDevice) {
type = 'touchstart';
target.addEventListener(type, listener);
Technical Debt is not a catch-all term for bad code.
— Richard Dalton 🇪🇺 (@richardadalton) March 28, 2019
It is deliberate borrowing against future productivity. You must know when you're doing it and why.
Bad code that bites you long after you've written it can't be retrospectively labelled Technical Debt. It's just bad code.
module.exports = {
performance: {
assetFilter: function(assetFilename) {
return !legacy.includes(assetFilename);